UK Web Focus (Brian Kelly)

Innovation and best practices for the Web

Winner of John M Slatin Award at W4A 2010

Posted by Brian Kelly on 29 Apr 2010

I’m pleased to report that our paper on “Developing Countries; Developing Experiences: Approaches to Accessibility for the Real World” which was presented at the W4A 2010 conference on Monday received the John M Slatin award for Best Communications Paper. My co-authors for this paper were Sarah Lewthwaite and David Sloan.

This is the latest in a series of papers which have been presented at the W4A conferences in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010 (the theme of the W4A 2009 conference was “Web Accessibility for Older Users” and we thought it would be difficult to relate this theme to our area of work).

In a post entitled “It Started With A Tweet” I described how I first got to know the second co-author, Sarah Lewthwaite, whom I have not yet met. Sarah provided the holistic approach to Web accessibility (which David Sloan, myself and other accessibility researchers and practitioners have developed over the past 6 years) with a grounding in disability research theories, in particular aversive disablism.

Our paper is not yet available online. The paper is now available on the University of Bath institutional repository. Once it has been uploaded (and we have permission to make available version of the paper on the UKOLN Web site) I will provide a summary of the ideas described in the paper and invite feedback. But for now I need to track down David Sloan and get to see the “engraved plinth and silver plate”.

7 Responses to “Winner of John M Slatin Award at W4A 2010”

  1. […] Winner of John M Slatin Award at W4A 2010 […]

  2. […] for a paper for the W4A conference – which, thanks to Sarah’s valuable contribution, won the John M Slatin award at the conference […]

  3. […] After publishing this post it occurred to me that there may be both individual and organisational benefits for being able to analyse SOLO event tweets.  During the event I spoke to Martin Fenner and Lou Woodley and, after realising that we had shared interests, started to follow them on Twitter.  There were other people I followed during the event, but I can’t remember who they were.  It occurs to me that it would be interesting to be able to record details of people one starts to folow at events, especially if this leads to subsequent significant joint work (as I described in a post on 5,000 Tweets On Twitter has led to contributions to a joint paper including one which won an award for the Best Communication Paper at W4A 2010). […]

  4. […] links which have been established in Twitter led to collaboration on an award-winning paper. My experiences have been echoed by Melissa Terras who documented her epxreinces in a post […]

  5. […] of how I met Sarah Lewthwaite (@slewth) on Twitter and subsequently collaborated on a paper which won an award at an international conference). I also described how use of services such as Twitter and Slideshare could be used by one’s […]

  6. […] To E-Learning Accessibility” can be seen from the awards they won: the first paper won the John M Slatin award for Best Communications Paper at the W4A 2010 conference and the second won the Best Research Paper Award at ALT-C […]

  7. […] described in the post “Winner of John M Slatin Award at W4A 2010” that Twitter conversation led to a joint paper on “Developing countries; developing […]