UK Web Focus (Brian Kelly)

Innovation and best practices for the Web

Would You Like To Contribute To A Paper On Library 2.0?

Posted by Brian Kelly on 27 Jul 2008

I’m pleased to say that I’ve been invited to present a paper at the “Bridging Worlds 2008” conference, to be held in Singapore on 16-17th October 2008. I’ll be writing the paper over the next 6 weeks and have started thinking about the structure and things I want to say. But having recently heard Cameron Neylon give a talk on “Science in the You Tube Age” at IWMW 2008 I am reflecting on his summary of various open approaches which are being taken by scientific researches, which included a description of an open process for pulling together and submitting a bid to a funding body.

Could this approach be used for my paper, I wonder?  The title of the paper, which is a slight rewording of the topic I was invited to talk about, is “Library 2.0: Reaping the Scholarly and Cultural Heritage Dividends“. The paper will cover the benefits of Web 2.0 in a Library context, but will also address the possible risks and outline approaches for addressing such risks and ensuring that organisations maximise the potential benefits of Web 2.0 technologies and approaches.

Would you be interested in contributing ideas to the paper, or perhaps being a co-author? I appreciate there will be issues to clarify, such as IPR, but I would like to further explore the approaches to openness which Cemeron described. If you are interested either add your name, interests and contact details on the Google docs page, send me an email or add a comment to this blog post.

One Response to “Would You Like To Contribute To A Paper On Library 2.0?”

  1. Brian, in the spirit of closing the loop and drinking my own koolaid I’d be very happy to contribute. Not sure I can add enough to justify authorship but very happy to add thoughts along the way.

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